Rohrhaltersystem pipe holder system
Fliessrinne Flow Channels

Flow Channels

-Air conveyors
-Flow channels for all fluidizable bulk materials

Train Docking Station

Docking Units

– Unloading devices
– Docking stations for unloading bulk material from rail vehicles and trucks

Injektor Düse mit Keramikeinsatz Injector nozzle with ceramic insert

Injector Nozzles

-Injectors & laval nozzles
-Conveyor injectors for the pneumatic transport of bulk materials

Magnetabscheider Magnetic separator

Magnetic Separators

-Magnetic separator
-Magnetic separator for installation in downpipes

Fadensieb Thread Screen

Thread Screens

-Screens & screen boxes
-Static screens and screen boxes for installation in downpipes

Oktabin Entleerstationen

Oktabin Emptying Device

Discharge station for unattended suction or emptying of the octabin.

Airflow Control Systems

System for regulating the amount of air or gas in conveyor systems.